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Mr lunatik s latest farts

Dear Dadarno, This morning I ate Box Sand. That is what was written of the packet of sandwiches I bought. Two days ago I was awakened at 5 a.m. by a raccoon that had crept up to the farmhouse I was staying in, 30 kilometers from the nearest town. He'd...

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E-mail de Richelieu

Bonjour dadarno, Suite à votre annonce postée sur les petites annonces du site desroutards , Richelieu( Richelieu @yahou.fr ance ) vous fait parvenirla réponse suivante : RichelieuAFRIQUE DE L’OUESTCOTE D’IVOIRE ,Abidjan.E MAIL : Richelieu @yahou.france...

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E-mail de Marie-Antoinette

Bonjour dadarno Suite à votre annonce postée sur les petites annonces d'un site de routards, Marie-Antoinette@yahou.com vous fait parvenir la réponse suivante : Appel d'offre pour une assistance conseil de d'affaire.Je me nome Marie-Antoinette j'ai 22...

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Mr. Lunatik life story

Dear Dadarno, Are you enjoying the big APEC conference? Some of the farts eminating from some participants sound pretty dumb, and I'm not even there. Links are like neuron synapses, the more the better. I was drinking with a 2.20 meter pro basketball...

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E-mail de Louis 14

J'ai recu un e-mail deroutant du guide du routard!. J'en fais part tout de suite sur ce support predestine au partage qu'on appelle la toile chez les minimalistes.Pour preserver l'anonymat de l auteur j'ai appele celui-ci Louis 14. MLLE Louis 14 . ABIDJAN...

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Mr Lunatik s circle story

Dear Dadarno, I felt the closing of a circle the other day. I listened to a speech by Yoko Ono in Japanese, and understood everything she had to say. My first Japanese teacher was Yoko Ono's cousin, thus the circle, learning the language well enough to...

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