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Ha noi

Ha noi

J'ai visite une expo de photos des annees 50. A cette epoque, Ha noi est libere du pouvoir francais et le Vietnam gagne son independance ( 1954 ). Ceux sont quelques photos de la capitale a la liberation: foule en masse et ruines inevitables lors d'un...

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Qu'est-ce qu'un francais?

Gerard de Nerval, c'est illisible, bien d'accord. Avec ses phrases de 15 metres de long meme typographiees en taille 14, il n'y a pas plus soporifique au XXI eme siecle. Comme bon francais vivant a l'etranger je me soucie de mon pays et me suis reveille...

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patience 171

Comme dit mon voisin-de-palier-photographe F. C-S. : " la realite, c'est la patience ". Je rassure tout de suite, il ne parle pas de patience tous les jours...cependant, l'energumene relativise son expatriation depuis quatre ans...on peut avancer qu'il...

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Mr Lunatik's japanese story

Dear Dadarno, Once upon a time a Japanese woman died of anger because her husband divorced her. Her rage was so great she dropped dead on the spot, her body ice cold. Her body lay freezing in a room. Everyone was afraid to touch it, because they feared...

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Mr lunatik's mosquito 2

Yo Bro Dadarno, I answer anyway, even though you don't ask me! My mosquito world was somewhat enlarged when I read this book several years ago: Mosquito: A Natural History of Our Most Persistent and Deadly Foe by Andrew Spielman Sc.D. and Michael D'Antonio....

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Toute,toute premiere fois

Hanoi 29/09/2006 Ca arrive! Hier soir, j'etais dans un ghetto de riches. Certes, c'est etonnant de se retrouver la a Ciputra village quand on a habite rue Bach dang. Ceci dit, c'est pareil, les deux endroits possedent leur cloture, qu'il s'agisse d'un...

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Mr Lunatik's mosquito 1

Yo Dadarno, I went to the countryside, where the rice has turned gold in the fields and the mosquitoes are getting frantic, because soon they will be dead. The spirit of her dead father is still hovering around the earth, despite the hundreds of incense...

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Khmer sayings and proverbs

Experience is the mother of wisdom Obedience is the mother of success - Failure is a pillar of success Trust is the mother of deceit - Distrust is the mother of security Speaking without thinking is like shooting without aiming Think today and speak tomorrow...

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lao joke

Extrait d' everlasting jokes par Baokbu. En route to Luang Prabang, foreign tourists were impressed bythe beauty of nature. But upon arriving at a deep breathtaking cliff,a tourist asked the tour guide: - " it seems to be a very dangerous cliff, I wonder...

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